The Mentalist Wiki

Steve Rigsby was Wayne Rigsby's father and a career criminal.


Steve was the Sergeant-of-Arms of the Iron Gods Motorcycle gang until he left for unknown reasons and has convictions for robbery, drug dealing, assault and manslaughter. He served time in Lompoc, San Quentin, Pelican Bay, Carson Prison and finally Folsom Prison but was eventually paroled. While out on parole in 2008 he was seen affiliating with known criminals and his parole officer attempted to revoke his parole and send him to prison for twenty years. But Steve called his son Wayne and told him to give him an alibi to allow him to escape the charges. Wayne did so saying his father was with him and Cho and the parole officer never checked back.

He first appeared in Like a Redheaded Stepchild when a prison guard at Carson Prison is murdered. His son Wayne shows up to question him where he gives him his alibi and continuously insults Wayne. Wayne eventually comes back with Grace to ask for help on the case. He directs them to an old flame of his by the name of Rocket, and Steve went inside a bar to get her and ran into an old rival named Andy. Andy wanted a fistfight, but Steve pulled a knife on him, and the bartender pulled a gun. Wayne heard the commotion from outside and came in and talked everyone into putting their weapons down. Grace caught Rocket after she ran off in the confusion. Steve encouraged Rocket to tell the agents what she knows. Rockets told the agents that a local meth cook named Butch Carwin killed the guard. However this turned out to be a lie encouraged by Steve to eliminate Butch, since Carwin was his competition in the cigarette smuggling business. Rocket was revealed to be his current love interest and partner in crime. When Wayne found out he confronted Steve who gladly admitted to using him. Unfortunately Wayne broke into Steve's house, and burned all Steve's illegal cigarettes. Impressed by what his son did, he put aside his knife to give his son an honest fistfight.

Steve returned in the episode Blood Feud, in which he was shot along with a man named Andy Huff. Steve survived but Andy was not so lucky, and Steve hid in a shed until he was found by his son. He was taken to the hospital where the doctors managed to stabilize him after pumping four pints of blood into him. The doctor told his son that one of the bullet pellets was close to his heart and his father will have to live a simpler life, free of stress, smoking and alcohol if he wants to survive. CBI agents Lisbon and Wayne questioned him about who shot him, but he refused to name the killer. He later escaped from the hospital and called Rocket, wanting to meet her at a local bar, but his son showed up instead and they talked and drank for awhile. Steve reveals that he was shot only because wanted to help Andy, who was in over his head with a criminal. Wayne eventually showed him a picture of Steve's grandson, Benjamin. This led Steve to encourage Wayne to be a tough father, comparing his own parenting style. Wayne relents that Steve ultimately did make him a better person. Soon after, Steve decided to visit Benjamin for the first time. As Steve got up, he suddenly collapsed and died of his injuries. When his killer was later found out to be Fletcher Moss, Patrick manipulated events so Wayne could enact revenge on Moss and shoot him to death.
