The Mentalist Wiki

Tom Wilcox appeared in Fugue In Red. He was the murderer of Paul Satterfield, two unnamed security guards, and attempted murderer of Patrick Jane. He was also the "Lucha Killer."

Tom committed an armed robbery at an ATM lobby dressed in a lucha mask. He shot and killed the security guards and stole a lot of money.

Tom went home and tried to destroy evidence in the fireplace. While he was stashing the money he stole in a safe, the fire in the fireplace escaped the fireplace and started the house on fire.

The smoke caused Tom to collapse and firefighter, Paul, found him upstairs near the mask he used to commit the robbery. That night, Tom, went to the firehouse and murdered Paul by slashing his throat. He then went to the nearby riverbed to discard of the murder weapon. Patrick Jane was investigating in the area, so Tom hide in the water and when Patrick got close, he threw Jane into the water and attempted to drown him, causing temporary memory loss.


Paul Satterfield

Two unnamed security guards in armed robbery

Patrick Jane (attempted, but survived)
